
A Plague on All Their Houses (Redux)

This is not a writing entry...

I will admit I have a temper, and that I have my unreasonable moments. That said, I'm assessing the ridiculous situation with our real estate agent and the seller's agent as worthy of anger and desire for satisfaction.

We had a closing date. Because, in the words of the seller's lawyer, the seller was "not ready to vacate" because he "had other closings" he was dealing with, the seller's lawyer did not hurry to respond to our attorney or get the necessary paperwork to our lawyer. (As an aside, we also know that the seller just closed a sale on May 15 -- 1 day after we were supposed to close.)This delayed the bank, but the bank put through its approval in short order, because we were already pre-qualified and ably demonstrated our financial commitment and ability. At that point, we were 2 days past the original closing date.

Now, the seller's lawyer says there is some title problem that still needs to be cleared up. We won't be closing this week either. Monday is a holiday, so the earliest we can close will be next Tuesday -- and that's not guaranteed yet; we still don't have a closing date.

Because the delay has all been on the other party's side, we requested an additional concession, and not a huge one -- we want the carpets removed from the house, which is something we wanted to include as a contingency in our original offer, but our agent said that was an unreasonable request. So we made arrangements to have the carpets removed after we moved in -- and now those arrangements have fallen through because of the delay.

Our agent acts like we're asking for a pound of flesh. His agent won't even present the request to the seller. We're thinking of getting out of the deal all together.

We upheld our end of the deal; the seller and his side are dragging their feet. The house has soured for us considerably. If we don't end up walking away all together, I am looking for some solution to this issue that does not leave us feeling hard done by.

So -- I'm calling on all of the powers of the universe. Help us to resolve this dispute in a way that no one is hurt or upset, but that justice is served.

Let karma be served, too, to our agent, who has failed repeatedly to advocate on our behalf; to his agent, who behaves as if he's more important than the other people in the deal, and who has intimidated our agent; and to the seller, who seems to be up to something that is at least questionable (more than mentioned here). As for the seller's lawyer, well... he's a lawyer. I think karma's already been served there.

Oh, and if you're local -- think twice before dealing with Nothnagle Realtors.


Cue the Theme Music from "Rocky"

I am not giving up.

Got the latest rejection from an agent today. Boy, they're so nice. I wish they would read the book, but at least they're nice.

I am not giving up.

I read so many books that are truly crap. We have not written the great American novel, but it's entertaining, and it's as good as so much of the stuff that's out there.

I am not giving up.

We will find someone to read this book. They will find someone to publish it. The public will enjoy it. Hollywood will snap it up. The movie will earn everyone money and maybe a few Oscar nominations. We'll keep writing more and let success breed success. We'll help other people be successful.

I am not giving up.

Tomorrow, I will send out the next query letter.

I am not giving up.


"P" Is for Pertussis

So... I've been coughing for over four weeks now, and from my Internet research and a friend's husband (who happens to be a professional), we've deduced I have pertussis, otherwise known as whooping cough. I didn't realize that despite being immunized against it as a kid, it's still possible to get a milder form of the illness, and anyway, after 10 years or so, the immunization kinda wears off. (Makes you wonder about the other immunizations we received, doesn't it?)

It's very little comfort to know what it is, as there's really nothing I can do about it but cough until I stop coughing. Fabulous. I should be writing, getting back to The Pirate's Bride or storyboarding the next screenplay.

Or barring writing, I should be packing for the move. So far, I've packed one box. One. And that's one more than anyone else I live with. We're a motivated group, I'll tell you what.

Oh, well... it will get done. Or it won't. And this cough will go away. Or it won't.

Everything's eventual.