
It's the End of the World As We Know It (...And I Feel Fine)

The History Channel is running a docudrama on Nostradamus and the end of the world in 2012 as predicted by repeated mentions of the Maya culture & their astronomical prowess and Nostradamus' name. Wow. Based on this show, I will not be flying anywhere in December 2012.

However, since we've got a couple years left, I guess I'll try to finish The Pirate's Bride and maybe finish painting the upstairs hallway.

At least now I have a deadline. Thanks, Nostra! (Can I call you Nostra?)

1 comment:

Joseph said...

I could help with the hallway so you finish ahead of schedule. I mean, the world's ending and all, so it's really the least I can do :P

(This made me think of what is perhaps my favorite cover ever...it's by an awesome Celtic folk band called Great Big Sea. Possibly not everyone's cup of tea, but I love them).


By the way, I really will help paint the hallway...I don't know anything about painting, but I'm willing to learn