
In Like A Lion...

Back after a busy week-and-a-half with much accomplished, including the Jean-Marie Memorial Garage Sale. It was huge and messy and pretty successful, and now there's a lot more room in this old house.

Lots of ideas percolating too, including the continuation of The Pirate's Bride and an idea for a memoir (thank you, Jennifer, for the original suggestion). Tentative title: The Fred & Jean Show. Mom and Dad continue to loom large within the blurry lines of fiction and nonfiction.

Let's see what happens next.


Panamamama said...

Sounds like you have been really working hard! I have a neat idea for a screenplay and wondered if there is a format book or something I need to get? Thought you would know. I have an old Writer's guide but it's from when I was in college and probably not the way anymore (since the invention of the internet! :)

Bobbi said...

Hey! I recommend The Screenwriter’s Bible--Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script. By David Trottier. FOURTH EDITION. (Retails for about $23). I also highly recommend buying Movie Magic Screenwriter software. That will set you back around $160 -- maybe better if you look around online -- but it makes formatting WAAAY easier. I used to format the whole thing myself, and that took ages and ages...