
Slow Starts

Inherent challenge number one: working from home means frequent interruptions from the animals. The people get it, but the animals... not so much.

I've been trying to work since 8 AM, but first I had to feed Homer... and take him potty... and listen to him whine until I let him upstairs with me.

Thank God he goes to day care a few times a week.


Anonymous said...

I am loving this blog thing! You know you're living my fantasy life, so hearing how it plays out on a daily basis is incredibly interesting! Plus I get a dose of your wit and humor! If anyone can make this work, you can! Isn't my friend Bill awesome?

Good luck and I'll send you an EK (gag) update soon. I'm sure you can't wait.


Jenny said...

Aw, but he's so cute!

Mr. Puggle® said...

hahaha, i work from home too. but my puggle is actually part of my business. good luck on your writing career. bet writing with a puggle on your lap will bring you good fortune.