
I Think I'll Keep My Day... uh...Occupation

A friend of mine writes an exceptional recipe blog that makes meal prep sound almost fun and worthwhile. I personally despise cooking, though I am the chief planner & executioner of this chore in my house (with lots of sous chef assistance from my husband and some salad prep by sis).

Perhaps the bread I recently tried to make sensed my ambivalence. As it oozed across the floured pan like a horror-film escapee, I made an executive decision to toss it out, because though I followed the recipe and even set the bowl on the stove -- ostensibly the warmest place in the house -- for 18 hours, I think the house is too cold to get the dough to set up.

I suppose I could turn up the heat from 67 to 70 degrees... but I don't really need a $350 loaf of bread, which is what would happen from the increase in our utility bill.

Guess I'll try making this again in the summer.

In other news, the writing is going well. Not counting pages these days, but conceptual progress. Harder to quantify but probably more important.

1 comment:

Ethel76 said...

No, no, no! It's supposed to look like that! Try it again. 18 hours might be a tad long, but it's supposed to look ragged and oozy.

I'm just so tickled you actually tried this, I want to you experience the final product. Get yer' apron back on, lady.