
The Lure of Spider Solitaire

If the first book was written in between taking phone calls and making copies, the second one seems to owe a debt to Spider Solitaire.

Play two hands, write a sentence. Play a couple more, write a word. Play a couple more...

You get the picture.

I didn't know you could make a career out of playing computer card games at home -- oh, wait, that's not the career I was going for.

And yet, I've managed to break through the block this week. I can't say it's going fast, but at least it's going.


Joseph said...

Max Barry (the guy who wrote Jennifer Government) said: "Most of the time, being a writer means sitting in front of a computer and fighting the urge to play Minesweeper. It's like that for a couple of years and then you get published and everyone wants to talk to you at once."

I think sometimes it actually helps dissolve the block. It keeps you doing something, even if it's not the thing you'd envisioned...and as long as your mind keeps working, I think that's an invitation to snap back to where you want it quicker than perhaps it would have otherwise.

Bobbi said...

If not, it's a beautiful lie to tell myself -- thanks! :)