
Messing About in the Garden

As I write this, I should be working on The Pirate's Bride, for which I have managed to write about six pages in the past ten days, and a whole paragraph (okay, two) today. Chalk it up to the dental hygeniest appointment this morning, and then the errands I had to run, as well as the lunch I had with my dad to celebrate his birthday. (A larger celebration is planned tomorrow; though today is the actual date, we're celebrating tomorrow night.)

Those aren't much of an excuse, though, especially when I took the time to score 237,100 on Bejewled Blitz and look at my email umpteen times this afternoon. If I could play that game professionally, I think I would --I'd at least be getting a return on my addiction. But I digress...

And that's the problem. I'm digressing a lot these days, and regressing, and procrastinating, and all kinds of other "ing"s. Perhaps the problem with being self-motivated is that when you're not, there's no one to kick you up the backside and tell you to move along.

So I'm telling myself:



Joseph said...

Please tell your dad Happy Birthday for me, though I will wish him belated next time I see him.

I know what you mean on this (the "ings"). I've been feeling the same way re: art-print project.

I've been putting a ton of effort and time into it for months (it's essentially all I do when not working, studying, or Facebooking), and I'm not getting anywhere. I try to keep up the motivation, but it's difficult when nothing seems to go the way you need it to.

6 pages sounds pretty good to me, but I know you feel it should be more. I think you should excuse yourself for yesterday, though: some days there are just other things, whether good (birthday lunches) or mundane (dental appointment, which needs to be done at some point).

If it helps, I will send you a daily email in which I yell "MOVE ALONG" at you :)

I do understand, though...believe me. And one thing that I think helps with that *immensely* is deadlines. And you've got one with this upcoming Geva thing. I always found getting things done to be incredibly difficult if the timeline was my own...but I never missed a deadline. That's a pretty good motivator.

And remember, you've taken on some enormous life changes in the past few months. You're in a new house, are about to sell your old one, and have your dad plus 2 new cats living with you....all in the space of 4 months, for which you were the primary person coordinating.

That's a lot to deal with, and I know you weren't able to write much during that time. One thing I know for sure as a result of being in and out of classes these past few years: if you're not actively doing it, it takes a while to get used to it again, regardless of ability. It's like being an athlete, I suppose. You don't lose the ability, but the muscles aren't really used in the off-season, and it takes a while for them to "remember" how to do what they do.

I don't mean the quality of the material, because that's always exceptional. I mean the act of physically DOING it.

Now stop reading this and MOVE ALONG !!! :)

Bobbi said...

Thank you, my dear friend -- you are both a comfort and an inspiration. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and care; it truly helps. :)