
Once There Was a Way to Get Back Homeward

It's been awhile, with no good excuse to offer for my absence. I posted last at the end of September, then went on the combined birthday/anniversary surprise trip to Toronto that my dear husband orchestrated... and then I seemingly fell off the face of the earth. Ah, well -- one of the joys of blogging is that if you fall off the blogspot, you can always climb on again.

New year, new decade, hopefully a new attitude. Had it from a not-so-credible but I'll take it source that this could be the year to get The Long Black Veil sold. But first I have to get it back out there, preferably by the end of this month, as opportunity rarely knocks for long. So that's the plan: start contacting agents again and make the push. We'll see what happens.

Still getting trickles about our screenplay Slide, although the interest has not progressed beyond the "Can we read it?" part. It was a nice diversion through the autumn, even if nothing comes of it. Good to know that making the quarterfinals of such a prestigious competition as the Nicholl Fellowships yields some results. Yea us.

And I am back in the writing game, having traded my days for nights. I get the most done on the midnight to six a.m. shift -- in just three days, I've written 7 pages. I know, still doesn't sound like much, but 7 is more than zero. I've finished the first section, which runs about 145 pages, and begun the interlude that will tie sections one and two together. I would love to write faster, but on the plus side, I generally only have to tinker with the finished product, not rip up and start over. I appreciate any favors bestowed upon me!

So... broken arm, world tragedies, and other bad mojo aside, I am hopeful for my personal progress in 2010, and as part of that progress, I intend to contribute something beautiful to the world that was not there before.

A little belated, but still heartfelt: happy new year!


Panamamama said...

Welcome back! I have good feelings for 2010! Hope your arm is mending well- not fun.

Bobbi said...

Thanks for both the welcome & the good feelings! The arm is on the mend -- should have the cast off on Jan 21. I keep telling myself it could have been much worse, so I'm grateful for a little aggravation instead of a big problem. :)

Michelle said...

I missed you, but I knew you'd be back. Happy New Year to you and though I'm not at all a credible source, this WILL be the year! Just believe it, claim it, and own it and it will happen!

Joseph said...

I agree with Michelle. I'm also not a credible source, but I do think this will be the year !!